Marnebek Newsletter

8th December 2023

Issue 19

Message from the Principal’s Office

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the final newsletter of 2023! 

As we approach the end of Term 4, we are delighted to share the latest updates and celebrate the incredible achievements at Marnebek School. 

2024 Prep Transition Sessions  

This week we welcomed our newest members, the 2024 Prep students. Transition sessions were filled with excitement and curiosity as students participated in a range of learning activities. We look forward to a fantastic start to the school year for our new students and families. 

Year 12 Graduation 

Thursday was a night to remember as we gathered at the Cranbourne Turf Club to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of our Year 12 graduates. Congratulations to each graduate for a fantastic evening of reflection, celebration and excitement as the graduates move on to a range of pathways as they finish their education at Marnebek School. We wish the students the very best as they step into the next chapter of their lives, carrying with them the knowledge and friendships they have made at Marnebek. 

School Council 

Thank you to all our School Council members for their dedication to supporting our School Governance and procedures throughout 2023.  All members dedicate their own time to support school management, finance and policy requirements.  Alongside this the School Council have worked behind the scenes to organise events, fundraisers such as Mothers and Father's Day Stalls and the End of Year Concert Raffle.    

School Council positions and vacancies will become available term 1 2024, we encourage interested families and community members to join our School Council committee.  

SunSmart School 

With the weather heating up, it's crucial to prioritise the wellbeing of our students. Please ensure your child is equipped with a hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle for each day. These simple precautions ensure a comfortable and safe learning environment. 

We would like to take this opportunity to say farewell to Ruth Cameron, Assistant Principal who is moving onto a new school in 2024. On behalf of the school community, thanks Ruth for your leadership and dedication to student outcomes during your time at Marnebek. We wish you success for your future.  

Upcoming Whole School Important Dates: 

Tuesday 12th December - Schoolwide Transition Day 

Students will spend the day with their 2024 teachers and classmates, this will support students to become familiar with their 2024 class prior to the school holidays. 

Thursday 14th December - End of Year Celebration (5pm) at Corrigans Rd Campus 

Join us as we come together to mark the conclusion of the school year. There will be student performances, refreshments and a special visitor will be joining us! We would love to see as many of our school community as possible! 

Tuesday 19th December - Last Day of School (students finish at 2pm) 

Wednesday 31st January 2024 - First Day of Term 1 

As we come to the end of the 2023 school year, we reflect on a tremendous year of learning opportunities for our students. As a school we have moved into our exceptional new learning buildings with more to be completed for the beginning of next year. We wish all of our community a safe and enjoyable summer break. Take the time to rest and we will see you all next year for what promises to be another fabulous year at Marnebek School! 

From the Principal Class Team 

Jennifer Hamilton, Chris Murray, Luke Bennett & Liam Mara

Key Dates & Events

Term 4 2023 | Term Dates: 2nd October - 20th December

6th December - 8th December Prep Transition Sessions

7th December Year 12 Graduation | 6-11pm

12th December Statewide Transition

14th December End of Year Celebration | Corrigans Rd Campus | 5:00-7:30pm

18th December Year 6 Graduation

19th December Last Day of Term 4 (students) | 2pm finish

20th December
Curriculum Day | No Student Attendance

Please note: All dates are correct at the time of publishing. Information will be posted on Compass regarding these planned events, nearer to the date.

General School Information

Office Hours

Our School Offices are open 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. During these hours, you can contact the office via phone (03) 5996 3858 or email

When calling, please follow the prompts to connect with our Primary and Senior campus.

  • Option 2 for New Holland Drive campus

  • Option 3 for Corrigans Rd campus

Our friendly Administration Team can help with most enquiries over the phone or by email. 

Student late arrival or early depatures

Students are not permitted to leave the school unaccompanied by an adult during school hours. Parents/carers may of course collect their child at any time they wish. If the child travels to or from school on the school bus parents/carers must ensure they inform the school office at the relevant campus that their child will not be travelling on the school bus. Office staff will then ensure their child’s name has been marked off the bus roll.

Late Arrivals Students who arrive at school after 9.00am must come to the office and sign in on the Compass Kiosk. If they have signed in on the Compass Kiosk they will take the slip to their teacher. This ensures we have a record of them being at school. All parents/carers will receive an SMS if their child has not arrived by 10:30am.

Early Leavers Students/parents/carers must report to the office and they will be sign out at the Compass Kiosk. All carers must have identification when collecting a student from the school. If your child is going to respite care please make sure you contact the office by phone or send a note with your child on the day they are going.

Compass Parent Portal

Compass is our primary parent communication tool for day-to-day operational matters, upcoming events, notices and notifications so it is essential that all parents download the app.

Please ensure you log into Compass to update your family contact details. This ensures we are able to contact you, your partner or your emergency contacts should an emergency arise.

Please check to confirm the phone numbers and email addresses on your details are correct, or alternatively amend as required.

Please also ensure we are aware of any updated living arrangements, independent students, students living in ‘Out of Home Care’ or any legal documentation the school should be made aware of.

Our Administration staff at the front office can support families who need some guidance on using Compass. Please contact the school office on 5996 3858 for assistance if needed.

The Compass Parent & Carers FAQ guide has been specifically designed to help you get the most out of your Compass experience.

Compass Tip

What do I do if I have forgotten my username?

Hey, it happens! If you’re looking for a quick memory refresh, simply contact your school for assistance.

Alternatively, if you would like to confirm your username, and reset your password within Compass (two birds, one stone),

1. Select Can't Access Your Account? (web) or Forgot Password? (mobile app), on your school's Compass login page. This should redirect you to our Compass Login Help page.

2. Click on the 'I don’t know my username' link.

3. Follow the Steps 3-6 outlined under ‘How do I reset my password’, to reset your password.

4. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner. This will take you to your Compass Profile. View your username under the Dashboard tab.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 5996 3858.

Important Notices & Reminders

As you are aware, we're hosting our annual Xmas raffle. We are excited to announce that Special Olympics Australia have donated a St Kilda guernsey signed by the entire 2023 squad to our Xmas raffle!! It comes with a full certificate of authenticity!

We're asking for Christmas raffle donations, for example, books, kids craft, sporting equipment, and Christmas items (please no perishables).

Donated items can be dropped off at the office at either campus and will be used to create 10 Christmas hampers at the value of $100 or more.

Please return all raffle tickets and monies to the office by Monday, 11th December 2023.

The Christmas raffle will be drawn at the end of the year Christmas Concert on Thursday, 14th December!


Classroom Snapshots

News from New Holland Drive Campus

News from 4/5F

Students have enjoyed making Christmas decorations and displays around the school!

Noemi Lopez Monge | 4/5F Teacher

News from Prep B!

Prep B students have been buzzing with festive energy as they actively prepare for the celebration of Christmas. They have been making Christmas tree crafts to decorate our windows and helping hang ornaments on our classroom Christmas tree.

Lucy Tao | Prep B Teacher

Message from the ARTS Department

2023 is ending, and we just wanted to say what a great year it has been for The Arts department. We have seen students embrace their creative side like no other. This year, external programs like Emotion21, Junkyard Beats, and Soul Sonics entered our lovely space and allowed the students to engage in a creative way that they may have not done before. We also saw amazing performances!

Sean Griffin Visual Arts

Dylan Corcoran

Music Therapist

Hannah Canty

Performing Arts Teacher

News from Corrigans Rd Campus

Last night, we gathered with immense pride and joy to celebrate the incredible journey of our Year 12 graduates at Marnebek School!

Surrounded by the warmth of family, friends, dedicated staff, and wonderful peers, we marked the end of a chapter and the beginning of new adventures.

We wish them all the very best on their exciting journey ahead!

Year 12 Graduates 2023

The recent adventure to Forest Edge was a fantastic experience for our Year 10/11 students. Despite the persistent rain, their spirits remained high as they participated in many exciting activities, learning how to be resilient, and mastering new skills.

The Forest Edge Camp provided an ideal backdrop for students to immerse themselves in the great outdoors. The rain, rather than dampening their enthusiasm, added an extra dimension of challenge and excitement to the entire camp experience.

One of the highlights of the camp was the opportunity to learn the skill of archery. Under the guidance of skilled instructors, students discovered the precision, focus, and patience required for this sport. The thrill of the Flying Fox was enjoyed by everyone and students were determined to overcome new challenges.

Thank you to our wonderful teaching staff who supported oour students during the camp experience!

Year 10/11 Forest Edge Camp | Exploring Nature & Learning New Skills

89E have had a busy term 4, as well as doing structured reading, phonics, writing and numeracy sessions we have incorporated the skills we have learnt into a range of fun activities both in and out of class. We have been doing some cooking in class and most recently practised our measuring and recipe reading skills with a scone baking session.

Students enjoyed this activity and were keen to taste test their creations. We have continued with our weekly sports sessions with Special Olympics and are now also doing a weekly DS sports program as well as Wednesday sports activities with the school sports team.

As well as this 89E have been heading to the local pool to have some fun swimming sessions and water sensory play. The students have enjoyed this relaxed approach to the pool and taken the opportunity to familiarise themselves and become comfortable in the water. 89E have also started weekly art sessions with the amazing art teacher Sean. This has been a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their creative skills and explore with different art mediums. Students really enjoyed step-by-step drawings and layered painting. Well done everyone, it’s been a great term 4.

News from 8/9E

Zoe Cannell | 8/9E Teacher

We are thrilled to announce that our student basketball team has won the Echo Cup Victorian State Basketball Championship

This incredible achievement is a testament to the dedication, skill, and teamwork displayed by our amazing students! A big thank you to our supportive teaching staff for their guidance and encouragement throughout this journey.

We also want to give a big round of applause to our fantastic girls' team for their determination and hard-fought battles on the court today.

As a school community, we couldn't be prouder of our teams' accomplishments. Congratulations to all!

Marnebek Basketball Team - Echo Cup Champions

 Congratulations to Tyler Bergin, this year's recipient of the Holt Community Leadership Award. The award recognises students who have demonstrated exemplary leadership throughout the year, presented by Cassandra Fernando MP Federal Leader for the Cranbourne electorate. Tyler has worked tirelessly to complete his VPC certificate this year along with a Certificate II in plumbing. He is a kind and caring person who is always willing to lend a hand and assist other students. Well done Tyler!


Festive baking activities in Food Tech

SWPBS @Marnebek

Celebrating students’ achievements

House Totals | Term 4 | Week 9

House Totals | Term 4 | Week 10

SWPBS Champions | Term 4 | Week 9

SWPBS Champions | Term 4 | Week 10


Bus Awards | Week 9


Bus Awards | Week 10

TheirCare News

Afterschool & School Holidays Services

Our school has partnered with an independent provider TheirCare to provide After Care and Holiday Care services to our school community.

The program services the children in the school from 3:00pm each day until 6:00pm. During school holidays the service will operate from 9:00am until 5:00pm. Families wishing to use this service can visit the TheirCare website:

Families are also eligible for a Government rebate which reduces the cost per session. Further information can also be obtained by contacting the school or ringing TheirCare on: 1300 072 410.

TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children and an environment where children from and enjoy their time in their program. During sessions children develop life skillsfriendshipsconfidence and creativity through play.

Community Notices

School Uniform

Beleza Uniform Shop

Marnebek School Uniforms can be purchased through: 

126 High St, Cranbourne VIC 3977

Website: Beleza – High Street Cranbourne

Phone: (03) 5996 6861

Our uniform price lists are below:

New Holland Drive Campus- Junior Years Price List 2021-2022

Corrigans Road Campus- Senior Years Price List 2021-2022


We would love to hear from you!

Please send us a brief message with your feedback regarding our newsletter, what you’d like to see in future, how we can improve it and/or any suggestions you may have.

We really appreciate your feedback.

Your Marnebek Community Engagement Team

 Feedback Form


16th February - Issue 1


10th November 2023 - Issue 17