VPC (formerly VCAL)
At Marnebek, students develop knowledge and employability skills to help prepare themselves for life after school, whether that be in the workforce or participation in the broader society. We also involve our students in tasks that assist them to make informed vocational choices and that facilitate pathways to further learning and employment.
Students may also elect to complete a VET course that is offered as part of our VET Cluster Network, complete Tafe Taster in the New Horizons Program at Chisholm TAFE. Students have the opportunity to complete nationally recognised Certificate II’s, with Parks & Gardens currently offered onsite and Food Processing, Supply Chain Logistics (Warehousing), Retail, Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship, Beauty, WorkSkills and Animal Handling offered offsite. We also have Food Processing, Supply Chain Logistics and Sport and Recreation at a nationally recognized Certificate III, offered offsite.
These programs run in conjunction with and are complementary to the VPC program operating at the Senior Campus at Corrigans Road.