School Council

Marnebek School Council plays an important and valued role in the development of the school. It has elevated representation from both the staff and the parent community and is responsible for the financial, policy and strategic direction of the school. The School Council works in partnership with the school to deliver improved learning outcomes for our students and to support the staff to achieve this. Meetings are held eight times a year.

The School Council’s functions include:

  • Establishing the broad direction and vision of the school

  • Developing, reviewing and updating the policies of the school

  • Arranging for the supply of goods, services, facilities, materials and equipment that are required for the conduct of the school.

  • Raising funds for school related purposes

  • Exercising a general oversight of the buildings and grounds and ensuring that they are kept in good order and condition

  • Providing for cleaning and sanitary services necessary for the school

Dates for School Council 2025:

19th February

26th March