Marnebek Newsletter

24th November 2023

Issue 18

Message from the Principal’s Office

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been another busy fortnight for all students at Marnebek School. Term 4 is a fantastic term for celebrating and recognising student achievement and acknowledging their hard work throughout 2023. 

Parks & Gardens Graduation

On Monday, our Senior Pathways students graduated from the SBAT program. They have successfully completed Certificate II in Parks & Gardens. It is with immense pride and joy that we celebrate their remarkable achievement.

Year 12 Camp

This week, our Year 12 students embarked on their last school camp at PGL Campaspe Downs. It was a time filled with camaraderie, laughter, and reflection, creating memorable moments to carry forward beyond the school gates.

Attendance – It’s Cool To Be In School

Although we are coming to the end of the school year, the learning does not stop at school. It is vital that students are attending everyday (health permitting) right up until the end of the year. In our weekly assemblies we highlight students who have come to school each day that week. The students are placed on a spinning wheel to win a prize as a reward for 100% attendance. We also have many exciting learning opportunities and excursions coming up over the next few weeks and we want all students to be able to experience these. 

Upcoming Events

Forest Edge Camp for Year 10/11 students 29th November - 1st December: Next week, our Year 10/11 students are gearing up for an exciting adventure at Forest Edge Camp. This promises to be an enriching experience for them all.

Student transitioning to Corrigan’s Road 2024 Information Night 29th November 5:30-6:30pm: We will be holding an information session for those families moving to Corrigan’s Road in 2024. The session will include key information, a hands-on experience of the programs offered, and a tour of all the facilities. 

2024 Prep Information Night at New Holland Drive Campus in the Staff Room 30th November 5:30-6:30pm: We would like to extend a warm invitation to our Prep 2024 families. You will have the opportunity to hear from the Principal and Primary School staff. You will gain an insight into the Primary School, and be provided with information about our Teaching and Learning Program, Facilities and Student Wellbeing specific to the Prep Year.

Year 12 Graduation Night: With less than two weeks remaining, excitement is building up as we eagerly await the grand celebration of our Year 12 Graduation Night. It promises to be a memorable occasion recognising the achievements and contributions of our graduating cohort. Our graduation ceremony will be held on 7th December at 6pm at the Cranbourne Turf Club.

End-of-Year Celebration: As we approach the conclusion of Term 4, students and staff are getting ready for the upcoming end-of-year celebration which will be held at our Corrigans Rd campus on 14th December from 5pm to 7:30pm. Students and staff are busy rehearsing and preparing to showcase their artistic abilities. We invite you all to join us and witness the dedication, hard work, and talent displayed by our students and staff members.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Kind regards, 
Chris Murray | Assistant Principal | School Operations

Key Dates & Events

Term 4 2023 | Term Dates: 2nd October - 20th December

29th November - 1st December Forest Edge Camp | Year 10/11

30th November Prep Information Night | 5:30-6:30pm

1st December International Day of People with Disability

6th December - 8th December Prep Transition Sessions

7th December Year 12 Graduation | 6-11pm

12th December Statewide Transition

14th December End of Year Celebration | Corrigans Rd Campus | 5:00-7:30pm

18th December Year 6 Graduation

19th December Last Day of Term 4 (students) | 2pm finish

20th December
Curriculum Day | No Student Attendance

Please note: All dates are correct at the time of publishing. Information will be posted on Compass regarding these planned events, nearer to the date.

General School Information

Office Hours

Our School Offices are open 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. During these hours, you can contact the office via phone (03) 5996 3858 or email

When calling, please follow the prompts to connect with our Primary and Senior campus.

  • Option 2 for New Holland Drive campus

  • Option 3 for Corrigans Rd campus

Our friendly Administration Team can help with most enquiries over the phone or by email. 

Student late arrival or early depatures

Students are not permitted to leave the school unaccompanied by an adult during school hours. Parents/carers may of course collect their child at any time they wish. If the child travels to or from school on the school bus parents/carers must ensure they inform the school office at the relevant campus that their child will not be travelling on the school bus. Office staff will then ensure their child’s name has been marked off the bus roll.

Late Arrivals Students who arrive at school after 9.00am must come to the office and sign in on the Compass Kiosk. If they have signed in on the Compass Kiosk they will take the slip to their teacher. This ensures we have a record of them being at school. All parents/carers will receive an SMS if their child has not arrived by 10:30am.

Early Leavers Students/parents/carers must report to the office and they will be sign out at the Compass Kiosk. All carers must have identification when collecting a student from the school. If your child is going to respite care please make sure you contact the office by phone or send a note with your child on the day they are going.

Compass Parent Portal

Compass is our primary parent communication tool for day-to-day operational matters, upcoming events, notices and notifications so it is essential that all parents download the app.

Please ensure you log into Compass to update your family contact details. This ensures we are able to contact you, your partner or your emergency contacts should an emergency arise.

Please check to confirm the phone numbers and email addresses on your details are correct, or alternatively amend as required.

Please also ensure we are aware of any updated living arrangements, independent students, students living in ‘Out of Home Care’ or any legal documentation the school should be made aware of.

Our Administration staff at the front office can support families who need some guidance on using Compass. Please contact the school office on 5996 3858 for assistance if needed.

The Compass Parent & Carers FAQ guide has been specifically designed to help you get the most out of your Compass experience.

Compass Tip

What do I do if I have forgotten my username?

Hey, it happens! If you’re looking for a quick memory refresh, simply contact your school for assistance.

Alternatively, if you would like to confirm your username, and reset your password within Compass (two birds, one stone),

1. Select Can't Access Your Account? (web) or Forgot Password? (mobile app), on your school's Compass login page. This should redirect you to our Compass Login Help page.

2. Click on the 'I don’t know my username' link.

3. Follow the Steps 3-6 outlined under ‘How do I reset my password’, to reset your password.

4. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner. This will take you to your Compass Profile. View your username under the Dashboard tab.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 5996 3858.

Important Notices

Dear parents and carers

There is at present an increase in community transmission of COVID-19 in Victoria.

You can help us keep our school as safe as possible by taking 2 important steps:

Ensure your COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date. Information on how and where to get vaccinated is available on the Get vaccinated webpage.

If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, please ensure they stay home and get tested.

The easiest way to test is to use a rapid antigen test (RAT). Free RATs are available from your local council where you can collect 2 packs of 5 RATs and an extra 2 packs for each person in your household.

People with disability and their carers can get 4 packs of 5 RATs. You are not required to have a Medicare card and you can collect RATs as many times as you need. You can also buy RATs at supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers.

If your child has symptoms but tests negative, please ensure they stay home until they no longer have symptoms.

If the RAT test result is positive, please ensure they say home for at least 5 days and until there are no more symptoms.

Thank you for your support – these steps will help us all stay well.


Classroom Snapshots

News from New Holland Drive Campus

News from 6/7C

It has been a very busy Term Four so far for all of us in 6/7 and we also still have many upcoming events that we are all very excited for. Our term began with swimming, which many of us enjoyed participating in. We all had lots of fun learning and improving our swimming skills. Some of the other events that we enjoyed participating in and watching were the Dance and Music performance, the cultural performances and all the sports events like cricket and basketball.

We have continued to work hard across all different subject areas like Numeracy, Literacy and Science just to name a few. In Numeracy we have been learning about fractions and decimals which we found hard at the start. In Literacy, we have all been working hard on preparing our speech for our graduations. Science has been very fun as we have been exploring chemical sciences through cooking, it has been very delicious. That is something that we are all very excited that is coming up Graduation, we have all been working very hard on preparing for what will be an amazing experience for all of us. Along with Graduation, we have excursions that we are very excited about to end this fantastic year.


Alex Baker | 6/7C Teacher

Hello from 4/5F

 This term 4/5F have been working on the Read Write Inc program and have now started their set 2 sounds. The students have finished their set 1 sounds earlier this term and are very excited and proud to be moving onto the set 2 sounds.

They are continuing to challenge themselves everyday and have made progress in their writing and reading as they are practicing sounding out their words before saying no. The students work hard every day to complete their work to the best of their ability and take pride in what they do. Great work 4/5F!  


Noemi Lopez Monge | 4/5F Teacher

The Amazing 4/5 A!

We have had an amazing and busy term in 4/5A. A highlight for us each week is our science lessons. We have experienced and participated in some very cool science experiments. Some of these experiments include; making aeroplane gliders, elastic band paintings, magic rainbow towels, spooky balloons, dancing popcorn, cloud dough, making a volcano and making a torch.

We are looking forward to exciting events happening in the next few weeks which include swimming, Funtopia excursion, Variety excursion and the End of Year Celebration!

What has been your favourite part about being in 4/5A?

Tara:  I like playing Mathletics on the iPad

Maria: I like seeing my friends.

Joel: I like tracing and tabletop activities.

Tyla: I like it when I go to sport.

Isabella: I like it when we do science experiments.

Rachel Tiberi | 4/5A Teacher

Greetings from Prep C

Prep C have been learning about the 'n' and 'p' sound. We have been exploring different games on our Interactive Whiteboard to improve our learning and understanding. Everyone has enjoyed the sorting games.

We have become very confident at finding our names on the LAMP device to say hello during our Morning Circle. This is something we have been working on throughout the year and it is so amazing to see everyone's hard work and achievement. 

Mikaela Martin | Learning Specialist

News from Corrigans Rd Campus

Congratulations 2023 Parks & Gardens (SBATS) Graduates!

On Monday, Parks & Gardens held their Graduation Ceremony in front of family, friends, and past students of the program. It was a special time for these students that have now completed their Certificate 2 in Parks and Gardens.

Congratulations to Darren, Michael, Brock, Riley, Tyson, Dylan, Ocky & Kyle!

Congratulations to Dylan Creek recipient of the Encouragement Award and Darren Parkes (Emerson School) Apprentice of the Year.

2023 Casey Creation Awards Ceremony

Two years in a row, Liam Richards has won the Merit Award for his drawings in the Casey Creations Competition. Liam was 1 in 2000 students who submitted drawings and photography for the competition. It was a lovely evening looking at other student winners’ drawings and photographs from schools in the Casey area.

Congratulations Liam, the Marnebek Community is very proud of you!

Helen Porter | Senior Pathways ES

Our Year 12 students just had the most incredible camp experience! This was their final school camp, marking the beginning of the end as they prepare to graduate in less than two weeks.

From team challenges to unforgettable moments, they've created memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you to our wonderful staff who attended the camp to support our students.

PGL Camp - Year 12s

Class 10/11B have been working on recycling in our classroom for a number of months. We are now supporting the Recycling Program for our entire Learning Neighbourhood.

We were wanting to take our recycling to the step of reusing some of the products we collect, as we have be focusing on reuse and reduce.

This term we have begun recycling paper so that we can make wonderful Christmas craft.  The students are enjoying the tactile nature of making paper.  We are all excited by the results that are being produced.

Paper Making in 10/11B


Katie Ayrton | 10/11B Teacher

SWPBS @Marnebek

Celebrating students’ achievements

House Totals | Term 4 | Week 7

House Totals | Term 4 | Week 8

SWPBS Champions | Term 4 | Week 7

SWPBS Champions | Term 4 | Week 8


Bus Awards | Week 7


Bus Awards | Week 8

Book Club News

Issue 8 has arrived!

Book Club catalogues has arrived! Look out for your copy of Book Club coming home in your child's schoolbag! It's packed with hundreds of books from just $3 to help you on your child's reading journey.

Orders are due by Friday 1st December!

Thank you to the parents who have placed their order for this issue of Book Club! There is still time to order if you haven’t already.

Some of the most popular titles we've noticed this issue include: Toy Time! Hot Dog #15, Underwater Heist Diary of a Minecraft wolf #2, and No Brainer Diary of a Wimpy Kid #18.

Look Out for Scholastic BooksPlus!

TheirCare News

Afterschool & School Holidays Services

Our school has partnered with an independent provider TheirCare to provide After Care and Holiday Care services to our school community.

The program services the children in the school from 3:00pm each day until 6:00pm. During school holidays the service will operate from 9:00am until 5:00pm. Families wishing to use this service can visit the TheirCare website:

Families are also eligible for a Government rebate which reduces the cost per session. Further information can also be obtained by contacting the school or ringing TheirCare on: 1300 072 410.

TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children and an environment where children from and enjoy their time in their program. During sessions children develop life skillsfriendshipsconfidence and creativity through play.

Community Notices

School Uniform

Beleza Uniform Shop

Marnebek School Uniforms can be purchased through: 

126 High St, Cranbourne VIC 3977

Website: Beleza – High Street Cranbourne

Phone: (03) 5996 6861

Our uniform price lists are below:

New Holland Drive Campus- Junior Years Price List 2021-2022

Corrigans Road Campus- Senior Years Price List 2021-2022


We would love to hear from you!

Please send us a brief message with your feedback regarding our newsletter, what you’d like to see in future, how we can improve it and/or any suggestions you may have.

We really appreciate your feedback.

Your Marnebek Community Engagement Team

 Feedback Form


10th November 2023 - Issue 17


27th October 2023 - Issue 16